Eusebeia with Josh Kruger

These podcasts explore the Bible, Christian faith, theology, ethics, philosophy, history, and current events. Together we follow Jesus and strive to live lives pleasing to Him.

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Sunday Jun 16, 2024

We continue the exploration of the rebellion against God.  How humans gave their allegiance to God's enemies.  And how Jesus came to the rescue to restore the reign of God.  It's kingdom versus kingdom.  To Hell with the Devil part 3.

Tuesday May 21, 2024

To Hell with the Devil continues with part 2 - "Paradise Lost."  We explore two rebellions against God.  We get a clearer picture of what evil truly is.  And with a sense of paradise lost this raises a question of how to have paradise regained.  Check it out.

Thursday May 02, 2024

A red and black gargoyle with fangs, a goatee, a spike tail, goat's legs, and a pitchfork?!  Is that the devil?  We begin a new podcast series!  "To Hell with the Devil."  In this part 1, "The devil's in the details," we explore myths and misconceptions so that we can start off on the right foot and lay a good foundation for understanding the spirit world.  Check it out!

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

The Current Events series and the Sexuality mini series wraps up.  The final aspect of exploring God's law and Jesus' law when it comes to sexuality.  What does God expect and how should the church uphold what God commands?

Sunday Mar 24, 2024

Current Events.  Sexuality part 3.  Building on that foundation of humility & repentance and then God's design now we begin to explore God's commands.  The boundaries that God has for sexuality.  To do so we compare our current US culture with some similarities with the Roman Empire 2000 years ago.

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Current Events Series - Sexuality - Continues.  In part 1 we focused on being humble and taking the log out of our own eyes as followers of Jesus.  Here in part 2 we then start building on that foundation.  And in following Jesus we do what He did - harken back to God's design.  Not starting with laws and do's and don'ts, but instead starting with design.

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Sexuality.  It's a hot topic in current events.  And has been for the last 10,000 years.  The Eusebeia podcast continues by diving into a topic that consumes a disproportionate amount of the internet, the news, and more.  This sexuality series - as part of the Current Events series - begins with humbling ourselves, confessing, and repenting.  We need to begin at a humble place, not a lofty holier-than-thou place.  We begin to learn what Jesus and the apostles have to say about this topic.

Monday Jan 15, 2024

Current Events continues.  And in 2024 - a major election year in the U.S. - we are especially focused on economy.  So what is God's economy?  What is a kingdom ethic when it comes to money and finances?  How does Jesus speak to this and what kind of lives should we live?  Let's dive in to this current event.

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

The Current Events series continues.  "It's the economy, stupid," is a phrase that has been kicked around for a long time.  Just like war and politics it seems like the economy is always a current event.  The news and our consumer culture are constantly obsessed with how our money and our spending power is doing.  Let's unpack this current event and see what Jesus has to say about money in light of the calling to a eusebeia lifestyle.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Current Events series.  Part 2.  Politics.  Sounds like a dirty word to many of us.  Some of us are angered even thinking about it.  Or ready for debate.  Others of us keep our personal politics very private and avoid conversations.  But as Christians we must engage this topic - the Bible has lots to say!  Our "Current Events" series continues.


Eusebeia (with Josh Kruger)

These podcasts explore the Bible, Christian faith, theology, ethics, philosophy, history, and current events. Together we follow Jesus and strive to live lives pleasing to Him.

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